
egg whites

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The Nutrition Kid™… TOP 10 Healthy Hints for Kids and Parents

The Nutrition Kid™

TOP 10 Healthy Hints for Kids and Parents


1. Get a Buddy – friends and exercise challenges this summer

2. Fruits and Veggies – make this the biggest part of you day… try different recipes and add spices for flavor

3. MOVE or become a couch potato –  play games outside

4. Drink plenty of WATER – especially during the HOT summer days

5. Eat Lean protein – like chicken, fish, egg whites, low fat dairy

6. Get lots of rest – lights out @ the same time every night

7. Stretch every day – this will help your body have healthy energy

8. OK – so here is where you take a deep breath and realize – IT’s OK… Breath and take a quiet time daily

9. Watch the amount of sweets you eat – moderation

10. Smile – Laugh and have some fun

#thenutritionkid #eatgreatbegreat


